petang tadi...
saya,buat kali terakhirnya, membawa pegi car wash tapi malangnye hujan lebat turun. tapi berkeras juga p anta cuci. buat kali terakhir.
kemudian bawak ayah n adik drive p kota kemuning. buat kali terakhir.
melihatnya buat kali terakhir.
penghawa dingin yg sejuk.
radio yg senantiasa menemani saya. walaupun kdg2 kene ketuk2 ckit.
tingkap yg tersekat separuh everytime sampai dekat touch n go or tol. kene tarik guna tgn tuk bg die naik penuh.
kereta yg penuh dgn kasut.
kereta yg kdg2 comot dek tuannya yg pemalas.
kereta yg telah bwk saya sampai ke kedah,perak,melaka,pahang,negeri sembilan.
kereta yg sy bawak dari zaman diploma,ke hulu ke hilir buat assignment,pergi dating,balik kg dan rumah opah.
pernah pancit di tgh lebuhraya di tgh2 malam dgn mak ayah sahaja masa itu. takut n gementarnyer nauzubillah.
pernah pancit mase baru nak kuar buat assignment.
pernah tb2 bunyi meletup kuat kat bahagian enjin,time tu dgn opah n alang. terkene kat jalan setapak. Tuhan je yg tahu takutnye masa tu. kami buat jalan jam sbb mmg tgh peak hour,org nak p keje. alhamdulillah mase tu dah berkawan ngan he came all d way from subang n tgh kerja just to help me.
pernah cermin depan retak sepenuhnya mase mak ayah balik kg.
pernah enjin depan kete bergegar tahap dewa after terlanggar bumper keras kat klang. luckily ade time tue.
pernah bawak kete gegar2 dari kl ke kampung.
pernah kete kene tolak oleh org ramai sbb xleh start.
pernah kete kene tarik dgn MBPJ sbb salah parking. ingatkan kete hilang. panik gilerrr!
pernah kepanasan tahap maksima sebab air-cond rosak. Tuhan je yg tahu.
pernah tiba2 semut dan sarangnya yg amat amat byk berkerumun di pintu kete. waktu tu dgn amai. sgt panik ok!
shall i tell u more? i guess no need.
siapa yg dah lama berkawan dgn saya, tentu sgt familiar dgn wira kelabu BEY 5251 kan kan kan? :)
after 15 years serving me n family, it is now time to let it go for good.
sentimental value is sooo high! indescribable!
everyone was so sad when it is about to let it go.
n so...
buat kali terakhir memandangnya di sudut jauh,hati terasa sgt sayu. :(
hanya Tuhan yang tahu.
terima kasih atas segalanya
u'll be missed. always.
All our ups and downs will remain my heart.
As a special remark, I've requested 5251 for my new one :)
goodbye baby.
hello sunshine!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Posted by
11:48 PM
hey baby!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
gonna see you soon!
nervous yet excited!
It is one of my wish list in 2011 and alhamdulillah, almost accomplished.
insyaAllah. :)
Posted by
4:10 AM
Job well done!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Event with Prime Minister DONE.
Event with Deputy Prime Minister DONE.
Met in occasion with other Ministers/VIP DONE. e.g : Youth & Sports Minister, Federal Territory Minister,Menteri Besar N9, Ketua Setiausaha Negara, Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri,Duta US,Menteri Besar Johor, n etc. (need to add in more VIPs in to the list for sure)
One more thing I would like to experience is to do event with Prime Minister's wife and let us see whether I/we can nail it or daboommm! hahaha
Am in love with my job! :)
Posted by
10:39 AM
Till we meet again Boss! sob sob
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
My lovely boss has resigned n no longer Head,Corporate Communications.
Posted by
6:51 PM
Harimau Muda Membaham Sang Garuda!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Posted by
6:13 PM
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
hey! nice date huh?
am dreaming on so many things when it comes to special/unique date!
only me know...... ;)
Psst : Wanna share lotsa stories here but yet to find some time. haihhh...
Posted by
5:56 PM
Monday, September 19, 2011
thinking hardly to spend it wisely.
can i get my dream to come true?
too many dreams to be realized.
which one ya.
but this one. i have to deal with it really soon!
very soon.
is it about time?
Posted by
11:24 PM
1 justaword
Salam Aidilfitri
Monday, September 12, 2011
Moga2 masih belum terlambat untuk saya mengucapkan salam Aidilfitri untuk kalian semua,kawan2,keluarga dan orang yang tersayang.
Dengan rasa rendah diri, saya ingin meminta ampun dan maaf dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki andai ada kekhilafan dan keterlanjuran dalam perbuatan mahupun percakapan saya. maaf ya.
dan saya maafkan kalian semua.
Moga2 Syawal kali ini lebih bermakna buat semua.
Ini tahun pertama saya menghulur jadi rasa dia sedikit berbeza ;)
Apa2 pun, alhamdulillah.
Kebetulan, raya kali ini, adik saya tidak bersama kami. Dia sambut raya di perantauan,Paris,Perancis.
Di pagi raya, selepas bermaafan emak terasa sebak yang amat. Mak ayah,opah dan kami adik beradik mengalirkan airmata kerna perasaan sayu yang tiba2 menjengah. Ditambah dengan tabir raya. Tiada kata2 yg dapat digambarkan... :'( Mak terus call alang dan terus teresak2 syahdu,terkenangkan alang.
Sungguh tersentuh.
Raya kali ini juga berlainan kerana buat pertama kalinya kami sekeluarga menyambut hari raya pertama di Gombak dengan opah tersayang! betapa gembira yang teramat2 :)
Sangat menyayangi opah sebab dia yg menjaga saya sedari kecil. sayang teramat sgt.
Petang hari raya kedua baru kami bertolak ke Perak.
dapatlah juga menziarahi org2 tua yang masih ada di kampung.
sayu melihat keuzuran mereka yang dimamah usia.
Tok Aris, opah tungkop, moga Allah melindungi,memberkati hidup mereka serta panjung umur,sihat tubuh badan. Amin...
Psst : thanks love coz bring me to meet hug & kiss the little cuties! Ayra,Faiz Ilman Rayyan & Azzalea Husna.
Sukalah bau baby! :D
Posted by
6:07 PM
silly me!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Posted by
10:33 AM
World Cup 2014 : Unlucky Malaysia, Dramatic Singapore
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Frustrated & disappointed.
2 words that can describe my feeling after watching the game. We draw 1-1 to Singapore but lose to them with aggregate 6-4.Kecewa sebab pemain Singapore main wayang lak depan 95,000 ribu penyokong Malaysia! geram teramat! If not we cud have another 10-15 minutes to attempt few goals. haihhh~
But one thing for sure, am soo proud that i could see Malaysian people unite. :)
i wanna see more of this in the future i hope.
that night, i was a little bit late, coz unexpected instruction from the management. We have to managed BN YOUTH event which happens tomorrow. Screwwww! patutnya half day leave so dat i can arrive early without any hassle at the stadium unfortunately it is just not my luck. :(
we seek permission from bos to let us out for a few hours to watch d game n she kindly let us go! wheeee.... :D huru hara balik rumah,siap2 den ask my sis to send me straight to d stadium. luckily xjam coz org sume dah masuk stadium n dah settle down. but, i have to walk quite far since d police has block the U turn junction. poor me....
So,while waiting for my sista in front of the green gate, i saw dis one guy came out from the gate with his right eye full of blood!!! omg! scaryyy... little did i know he actually a husband to a pregnant wife. Memang dugaan betul mamat tu coz mase kebetulan die dikejarkan ke PPUM, his wifey pulak dikejarkan ke wad bersalin. nak beranak. can u imagine dugaan yg dilalui dis guy's family? i discovered that his eye might be blind coz the nerve has damaged. kesian sgt lelaki ini.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku, lindungilah keluarga lelaki ini dan hanya Kau yang tahu siapakah gerangan manusia yg membaling mercun dan menyebabkan lelaki ini buta. Hanya Kau Yang Maha Kuasa.
Ok, den suddenly a police man came n approached me. He willingly wanna let me in tru d Purple Gate (further in front) but den i insist to wait for my sista. i heard Negaraku being sang by 95,000 people which make me a little bit sad coz i couldnt join the crowd to sing along. tapi xpe, janji dapat tgk game! ohh! d police man siap escort ktorg sampai ke stairs tempat mr. boyfie, sarah and all seated. Thank you mr. police man! without u i think we cant even go through the crowd who has blocked the way... naseb baik...
Back to d game, Malaysia main dgn sgt bersungguh2. i think even til today, d media and people r still talking about it! imagine guys, just a another foot step to be in the round 3 Asean Zone. :( Bile tgk berita, FIFA tgh cabut undi n tgk jadual Group by Zone, rase sebak lak coz klu x, sure nama Malaysia terpahat! Boleh tak klu nak salahkan Sharbani Alwi mase 1st round kat Singopre hari tu???! ggggrrr. gerammm! banyak sgt easy goal terlepas. haihhh~ wat sakit jantung je tgk game bola ni.
xpe lah, mungkin ade hikmahnye Malaysia xmasuk. Harap2 Singapore akan ditunjukkan jalan keluar awal2 lagi! wuahahaha....
To Malaysian team, good luck for Olympic! we will support u all d way as long as u give us a good game to be watch! owhh n good result! :)
Overall, it was a good memory to be reminisce and to be shared in 10-15 years time. Wheee..... :)
Love u Safee Sali & Fahmi! oh and Safiq Rahim! Make Malaysia proud bebeh!
psstt : After d game, i have to rush back to d office to settle all d workload awaits. d team stay approximately til 4am plus in d morning. esoknye lak event kat PWTC. fuhhh...though man but dis is wat i had chose. :)
Many thanks to mr. luvly who is willing to send me and waited for few hours. cian die kenyamukkan dan kemengantukkan. love u!
Posted by
1:30 PM
this is love
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Mr.boyfie is soo busy lately. at times, i rase hurmmm...maybe he has changed. we used to be out few days in a week.
- play tennis
- lepak at our fav old town white coffee bangsarII
- watch movie
- dinner
- mall
- somewhere over d rainbow~
- to receive his call now.very rarely.
- bbm,ok ok lah.
This little little thing sometimes disrupt me.
Is he changing? slowly changing?
i dont know.
But never mind... let him work hard for a better future i guess. :)
Chill ema!
In times like this, he suddenly gave me this beautiful poem. as if he know wat was in my mind.
Meski mulut tidak melafazkan,
Zahir tidak menyatakan,
Awak slalu dalam ingatan..
Walau terkadang terlupa lantaran kerja,
Terlewat dalam berjanji,
Terlanjur dalam berkata,
Diri ini selalu merinduimu..
Hati ini tak pernah jemu menyayangi..
Tidak pernah sedetik jantung ini
berdegup tanpa memikirkan dirimu..
Wajahmu slalu ku terbayang..
Malam dan siang..
Hanya kau di hati..
Sampai nafas b terhenti.. <3 <3 <3
Posted by
9:35 AM
Malaysia vs Arsenal
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Malaysia vs Arsenal
thanks to mr. boyfie who purchased the tix! it was a total fun yaww! :)
tapi malangnya, Malaysia kalah 4-0 kpd Arsenal. Harimau Malaya does not perform that well i can say.
lemau semacam je.
as long as i got to watch d game for real!
mcm2 feil.
papepun bangga sebagai rakyat Malaysia :)
Malaysia vs Liverpool
I watched the game at opah's house.
Geram giler coz Msia performed so badly.esp. Fahmi! wat happen to you??
adoiittt! geramm sesangat lah! defend pun mcm sotong.
papepun it was a good game compare to d first one.(with arsenal)
Liverpool won by 6-3.
Malaysia vs Chelsea
Hoping that Malaysia can perform better! :)
Go go go Malaysia!
Posted by
2:40 PM
love from Tanjong Jara Terengganu!
Monday, July 18, 2011
There are sooo much to say soo much to share and sooo much to reminisce~!
One word...SUPERB!!!
6 of us, ME,FADLY,IZNIE,ACAP,SARAH&AMAI went to Tanjong Jara for a short break.sweet escape bebeh! (10 June-12 June 2011) Alhamdulillah, everything went well, we all selamat pergi and pulang. thanks alot to our heroes, Acap n Mr. Fadly! :)
We all bertolak agak lewat seperti yg dijangka. Siap singgah supper di Wangsa Maju before heading to Tanjong Jara. Depart around 1 am plus n sampai around 6 am plus klu tak silap. Masuk bilik je, we all like waaaaaaaaaaa......damn nice mannn! romantika di amor gitue! hehe...Bumbung room was fantastic! beyond our expectation. after exploring, den we all went down to Di Atas Sungei to have our breakfast! d lady who served us was sooo cerek! siap nak check no bilik and all. wat de...! siap kene surcharge RM80.00 hoo okkk... dayumm! papepun, our breakfast scenery was so deadly beautiful!! with d sun, d sungei, d pokok kelapa d sound and the beach! perghhh...soothing!
After perut full, we all go jalan2. only d gals and d beach and d buaian. relaxing! each of us got to catch a moment of 'alone' ! niceyyy... ketenangan yg xdapat digambarkan! :)
after everyone has turned tanned alil bit, we head back to bumbung and get our beauty shower. dah siap cantek2, d guys pick us up and we all meronda satu Dungun mencari makanan. last2 jumpe nasi kukus ayam nearby d beach. d taste was ok coz it couldn't beat kg kerinchi or tmn melati punyer nasi kukus! :D. ohh plus...ade kucing ekor geli yg i sgt xleh tahan! ekor die panjang kurus and den tb2 byk lak kucing2 dok mengendeng near our table! aduhhhh...makan dlm kegelian ok! :(
After dh konyang, we all head to UiTM Dungun! lawat ika plus iznie nak bagi brg2 ckit. nice place i can say. memang betul2 tempat study. semua org naik beskal n dekat ngan pantai lak tu. sempat mengintai bilik ika and yea..similar like alang's room at sabak bernam dulu cume ika nye kecik ckit.
When it is time for us to go home, got dis one 'senior' la kot, pandang we all mcm nak baham! sgt menjengkelkan yer! klu nak jeles ke hape ke xyah arr pepandang mcm tu! all of us geram je tgk! but we couldnt do much.
abes anta ika, our next activity was at tepi pantai! we bought alot of mknn petang org tganu : kopok lekor, pari goreng, and semua yg goreng2..hehe...den we snap..snap..snapp... photos at the beach near UiTM. we even saw people beromen di petang yg rembang! hahaha...done with camwhoring (not yet actually) we head back to tanjong jara. we changed n we excitedly went to tanjong jara private beach. wooohooooo! best3! d guys and iznie jump into the, sarah and amai tak mandi coz malas plus i period n mak tak bagi. :( we played Frisbee and it was a total fun! tepi pantai,gelak2,suka2,lari2 gedik..ahhhh...wat a nice moment! suddenly, the cloud turns gloomy den ujan turun but who cares...we all continue playing and after a while baru stop. we lepak under the gazebo chitchatting about lotsa things!. sambung lagi makan kopok2 and all accompanied with beautiful scenery in front of us. greattttt!
masuk maghrib, we all naik bilik n gilir2 mandi including d guys. by the time sume dh wangi, it already 8pm. so we watched Berita together by laying down n cuddling each other (d gals laa...) that night lak, kebetulan ade football game between Terengganu and Kelantan. so ape lagi..we all stay in d room and watch d game! Everyone excitedly cheering d tganu team! sume emo terlebey kottt...hahahaha... n i think d whole Tanjong Jara dgr we all menjerit! dayummm! we notice dis when we were out for dinner. ye la, kan tempat romantik, mane la ade org jerit2. jerit2 manja adalah! auuwww... ;) sume dh takut2, takut kene marah! hehe..funny but cute.
that night, we all makan kat tepi pantai. quite ok lah..xde pape yg special pun..tapiiii....masyaAllah, banyak nye kucing! adehhh...den lomah betui bab kucing2 ni.. :(
esoknya... *masa sgt cemburu dgn kami! :( *
walaupun bangun agak lewat, n check out lambat, kami tetap sempat meninjau kawasan resort yg sgt cun melecun tahap raja! p tangkap gambaq sana sini and berposing sakan. sgt syiokkk! acap la mangsa si photographer kami but gambar2 yang die tangkap,Ya Allah! sgt cantek! nahh...lihat di sini :
klu sesiapa nak cari wedding photographer ke,event photographer ke,roger2 jer cik abang ni. :)
btw, kat terengganu ni, sarapan pagi diorg yg special adalah nasi dagang. by the time abes posing pun dekat tengahari. mane la nak ade nasi dagang kan? bak kate fadly ismail "awak,kat KL klu tghri nasi lemak pun org dh xjual tau! ni kan pulak nasi dagang kat ganu ni." hmmm...sentap. tapi i insist jugak nak cari nasi dagang. mane tau ade rezeki! :)
round punyer round punyer round, at first diorg dh putus asa dah,so nak singgah mane2 kedai tuk mkn tengahari since perut pun dh berdondang sayang. den singgah dis one kedai name Pink House D'Patta (sini pun ade kucing!). n guess wat? nasi dagang dh abes. so sad :( end up we makan je sotong grg,kopok lekor n all d grg2. i suker gilerrr sambal cicah die! ada umpphhh! dlm hati still nak jugak nasi dagang tganu, so i p la tanye makcik kat pink house tu. die cakap "cube adik p depan ckit, dekat dgn damai pantai" *bile dgr je,hati terus berbunga2 riang!* hopefully betul2 ada. after abes makan all d gorengs, we all head to damai pantai. sampai je i cepat2 turun kete n p tinjau n yesssss! nasi dagang maseh ada di waktu tengahari. :))) booo statement org tu! ;p usaha pasti berjaya janji niat ikhlas ;)
n guess wattt??? nasi dagang die terbaekkk wooo! sedappp! kari pekat! kami dok makan di bawah pohon rendang lak tu sambil angin bertiup sepoi2 bahasa..acheewahhh...lame gak kami lepak sambil berborak2 manja. :D seronokkk! rase tenang n rilek je disamping org2 yg saye sayang.amat! tapi xbestnye sebab ade banyak kucing gak! wuaaaa~ :(
owhhh! papepun kami sempat berposing sakan(as usual) di lalang2 padi n also di tepi pantai damai. indahhh..... :)
perjalanan ke terengganu hampir ke penghujungnya....
mcm biase, xsah klu x beli ole2 terengganu kan? so we all singgah kat Keropok Sri Sura. whooaa...ramai gak org! saye sorang je yg memborong,yg lain enggak mahu. abes memborong, tiba masanya kami meninggalkan dungun. sedih laaa time tu.... huuuu... setiap permulaan ada penghujungnya kan? tapi...tapi...sambil menuju highway,sempat gak la kami singgah di pasar temasik (borong lagi) den di pantai temasik (berposing sakan lagi dan lagi.... ) that was the last stop. kali ni betul2 menuju ke KL. it was around 7.30 pm mase we all bertolak dari temasik. owhhh! actually our last stop was at Kemaman! mr.boyfie lak borong kopok! n jelly kelapa! i pun borong gak lagi! hehehehe...ini lah saye. xpuas2 memborong. ;p
kali ni kami betul2 odw homeeyyy! bismillah...
we all nyanyi2,dgr lagu best2 sambil minda masing2 maseh lagi melekat dgn memori tanjong jara (i bet! kan?) rase takknakkk balikkk! betul! ngehhh...xlame lepas tu sorang sorang hanyut dibuai mimpi indah~
saye je liat tido coz mr.boyfie drive us home,so cian lak kat die in case he need anything.
ehhh! last stop was R&R Termeloh lah! aiseyyy.... yep! we singgah to regang2kan otot jap. hehe...owhhh! guess wattt?! i got to ate my favorite ikan paten masak tempoyak! yummmyyy! heaven! sedapppp! lomak manis eh~ :)
mr.boyfie drive agak laju gak la coz we all sampai quite early. beberape minit je! ahaks! i can say around 3 hour plus? (counting from kemaman la..)
everyone was sooo tired but i bet tired with satisfaction! :)a little escapism in a little time. fuhhhh....lega coz vacation impian yg byk kali ditunda,digubal,dipinda akhirnya menjadi kenyataan.
everyone are looking forward for the next trip! am sure dis time around we plan to go a little far away.... insyaAllah. Paris? New York? Perth? Krabi? Jakarta? Vietnam? Phuket? Hong Kong? Kolkata? Colombo? here we comeeeeee........ verangan amat! hahahahahhaaa.... tapi siapa tahu?! suatu hari nanti..insyaAllah...
Memori indah........
thanks korang coz sudi luangkan ckit masa tuk tanjong jara!
thanks to d guys who r willing to accompanied us! without u guys bende ni xkan jadi!
simpan setiap kenangan baik2. nanti kite create kenangan yg lebih indah lagi ye.
gambar2.klu boleh nak cuci semua! agak2 ade tak cecah 1000 pictures acap? hahaha
love u each of u alot!
Psst : post ni dah pending like sooo many time coz ketiadaan masa. tapi saya sgt mengingati setiap perkara yg berlaku antara kita dan tanjong jara. setiap saat yang amat indah. :)
Posted by
9:45 AM
1 justaword
perfectly gorgeous!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Angan2 yang KEDUA :)
Posted by
6:13 PM
1 justaword
turn back time?
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Today punye Hotfm topic is putar kembali masa.Apa pendengar nak buat and nak kembali pada masa bila.
Dengar topic tu minda terus berputar ligat ke masa silam. searching for that one moment i wish i cud turn back time. after minda dh penat berfikir dan mengingat...i came to d point dat...there's none! erkkk...pelik tapi benar.
let me share with u y...
Masa kecik
- i dijaga oleh opah. i stay at gombak and grew up there. i even called opah, mak. i was a happy lil kid yg tembam n manja dgn opah. nothing to grudge on. :) plus during that time, there's only my kakak,me n my parents.
still remember bile dgr bunyi motor ayah dari jauh i will like "yey yey ayah balik! yey yey ayah balik!' sounded so typical kan but dats what make me so cheerful! i jump, i clap,i smile. moderate living,less intense i can say.
still remember all of us naik motor ramai2 n i akan berebut ngan my kakak nak duk depan tapi slalu kene dok tgh2 antara ayah n mak den peluk ayah kuat2. (mcm dlm iklan tv tu..ngehhngehh...) kdg2 kene pakai topi keledar yg besar tu..buruk amat rupenye..haha
still remember when mak dh siap masak kat dapur, ayah akan panggil me n my kakak buat chain keretapi den ayah lead us to have our happy dinner sambil tu ayah akan nyanyi.
still remember masa kecik ayah n pak yang akan angkat me n geselkan kat minggut yg super tajam tu. i will like ketawa geli n jerit nak turun.
Dan banyak lagi momen2 indah yg xdpt nak digambarkan. :)
Masa sekolah
- paling liat nak bangun pagi. cian mak seksa nak kejut me. hehe... slalu bawak bekal g tadika agama. :) n agak comot la dulu2 dengan tudung senget. hahaha ..kat sek rendah, paling best! me as discipline prefect! dulu saye sangat garang yg macam mane tah! dengan uniform skirt coklat, buku nota kecil dan pen di tgn sentiasa, meronda sekolah mcm pegawai. cewahhh.. time tu sgt famos coz junior byk nak jdkan i petsista.. most of them r chinese.. surat lipat2 tu, tiap2 hari org smpikan. hehe..
still remember betapa bangganya tatap wajah di board pegawas coz muka ni adalah antara yg teratas.
still remember i have dis garang character sampai kan parents dtg sekolah ngadu kat cikgu.
still remember i walk n run n check everywhere wen teachers r on meeting, class xde cikgu n perhimpunan.
still remember bile kene buat spot check! best2! ngehhngehh...
still remember my close fren, syeera (Dr. Masyeerah skang) bergado dgn i sebab i rapat dgn org lain. so kiddy we r during that time. hehe
still remember our batch is d most awesome one!
Masa sek. menengah, best jugak! form 1 and form 2 i was elected as the ketua tingkatan n penolong ketua tingkatan. my closest partner during that time was jayne michelle gomes. she is fun to be with and we always eying for this one cool prefect we called snuffles! hahaha...funny! she got this character that catches our attention. meow meow...
form 3,4 and 5 jayne no more coz she changed school. :( she went to taiping covent school if im not mistaken
i actively joined marching squad and we've won like every single year! paling pround wen i was in form 5,they've selected me to be d squad leader and we've won! yeaaaahaaaa! cant describe how happy i am!
still remember me n mimi ngantuk dlm class. dat was soo funny ok. dah la dok depan tapi tersengguk2..hahaha
still remember i kene denda cuci toilet cikgu coz dtg lambat.
still remember mknn yg best2 kat kantin sekolah.
still remember kene naik bus awam g sekolah.
still remember school anthem yg mmg best n lain dr yg lain.
still remember kene lumba lari n i lari xbrape nak kuat. hahaha
still remember time jadi pengawas yg cool!
still remember everything happily!
i enjoyed every bit of it! :)
Masa dh besa ckit
- ayah nak sgt saye jadi doktor sampaikan ayah naik p kementerian mintak masukkan ke matrik. akhirnya dapat la ke matrik kulim kedah. (yikess..xsuke so im kinda nottie student kat sane with my close fren aida since both of us from assunta n both of us were soo rebellious! haha) Aida dh jadi doktor jugak skang. papepun nakal2 saye, tetap dilantik jadi ketua dorm.pewittt! dorm saye paling outstanding ok. hahaha
still remember me n aida jogging n lepak kat padang n sume budak laki pandang semacam.
still remember saye lead utk koir performance and budak laki ejek.
still remember saye byk peminat sebenarnye..haha
still remember nyorok diam2 dlm dorm xnak p kuliah agama every khamis.
still remember kene splash dengan air merah time birthday.
still remember kerepek yg best pakcik kantin jual!
n paling remember got dis one day, pukul 2 pagi my geng and d boys jumpe, just to celebrate our fren birthday.ktorg men2 air,simbah2 and calit2 kek. tb2 dang! woit!!!!!!!!!! suara kasar and garang warden! abes....paling kesian d boys coz warden bantai diorg depan2 ktorg..mmg time tu muke warden kalah singa bergaduh! :( scaryyy.
agaknye saye nakal sgt kot and blaja xikhlas, tu yg result kat kolej xgempak walau studi dah bertubi2! sorry ayah.
ohh another memory i remembered, b4 dis dpt tawaran msk masscomm tapi ayah xbagi :( den mase kat kolej saye p isi borang senyap2, submit den alhamdulillah ditawarkan sekali lagi! and i am now with my masscomm degree. :)
Masa dh besa lagi ckit
- afta dpt msk uitm punye la hati sgt kecewa sbb kecewakan ayah coz impian utk si anak jadi doctor tak kesampaian, so saye amat2 berazam nk tunjuk pada ayah yg saye boleh berjaya dgn course masscomm ni. rase semangat yg tah mcmne tah time tu.. first sem diploma punye la frust gile 0.5 to reach 3.5 in order to get dean list. sooo so sad. but den dgn iltizam yg membara di dlm hati..papp..papp..pappp! since afta 2nd semester diploma sampai la ke part 6 degree. alhamdulillah sgt2 coz xpenah miss dean's award. everytime tunjuk ayah sijil dean award tu ayah tersenyum, bangga. ahhh...gembira rasa hati xterkira. ayah siap kate nk simpankan sijil2 tu. :) n sampai lah dianugerahkan vice chancellor award back in 2010. alhamdulillah...syukur sgt2! hanya Allah yg tahu betapa bangganya saya dpt mengembira dan membanggakan mak ayah.. sobb..sobb...
ohh! still remember betapa ralitnya bercinta masa diploma hingga degree.friends n lecturers sume dh kenal kami sebagai couple. siap dpt anugerah best couple mase graduation night. hahaha...dayumm! hampir 4 tahun bercinta tapi malangnya tak smpi ke akhirnya. xkemana pun.semua janji2nya palsu! semua kata2nya nista. semua perbuatannya mengecewakan. lelaki mcmni sgt kejam! TAPI. after broke up tu i always believe in this phrase.. 'he love me but he's not in love with me' so i told myself, why i shud be with someone who is not in love with me?? from there i got up,walk straight and leave all of it behind. i've read dis one good motivational book n tadda! saye berazam utk berhenti menangis,bangun n senyum! sentiasa. everywhere i go i smile to people (esp mase keje kat ALDO) smpikan ade yg pelik tgk i senyum srg2. i set a target to be free from love for a year. sebab putus cinta itu amat menyakitkan.
-setiap yg terjadi ada hikmahnya. yes, Allah Maha Berkuasa. saya dipertemukan dgn seorg lelaki yang jauhhhhh lebih baik. alhamdulillah. hingga ke saat ini kami maseh gembira bersama. gonna be 2 years soon! :)
walaupun org berkata antara kami mcm bumi n langit, mcm xsepadan tapi bagi saya, bumi xkan sempurna tanpa langit dan langit xkan ceria tanpa bumi. kami amat berbeza tapi kami saling melengkapi. dia menjaga saya dengan sebaiknya. saya xkan sesat dlm perjalanan hidup ini kerna saya tahu dia akan cari saya sampai jumpa.itu pasti. i just love him! insyaAllah mengharapkan jodoh kami kekal hingga ke akhirnya kerna kita tak tahu sampai bila kita akan bernafas, sampai bila kita akan bersama,sampai bila kita akan bahagia. adakah betul dia jodoh saya? ataupun tidak? itu semuanya kerja Tuhan. kan?
Satu perkara lagi, saya juga bersyukur mendapat hikmah yg paling besar. impian saya nak belajar ke oversea xkesampaian dulu. bayangkan punye la excited mase lecturer tawarkan utk p practical kat aussie! (Tuhan yang tahu betapa gembiranya hati ini! impian saya yg satu!-nak belajar kat oversea!) Malangnya tawaran ke luar negara tu bukan utk saya. :'( kwn2 yg lain sume dh excited nak terbang ke negara idaman masing2. tapi saya tak. :( got this one time mase dean award ceremony, they showed videos from these practical students who was so fortunate to go abroad and i just dont know y, tears drop! ohh i wish i cud be one of them! abroad. awww... :"( terus lari p toilet takut org nampak tangesan yg maha buruk tu.
Since dh xde tempat practical, akhirnya saya terpaksa hantar resume ke syarikat tempatan : Maxis,MCMC n Sime Darby. Alhamdulillah ketiga2nya menawarkan tempat practical tapi saya memilih Sime Darby. bermula lah cerita kerjaya saya hinggalah ke saat ini. sudah pun memegang jawatan idaman - Corporate Relations Executive di syarikat GLC yg gah ini. kerjaya impian saya-public relations/corporate world. :) dan saya bersyukur dpt buat kerja2 yg saya suka, dpt kwn2 kerja yg tiada hasad dengki, dpt bertemu dari sekecil2 security guard sampailah sebesar2 pemimpin negara antaranya menteri2,datuk2 bandar, ambassador2, CEO2 terhebat dunia,PR2 yg berkaliber, Pengarah2 yg berkarisma, Sultan dan paling bertuah, bertemu Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Berpeluang juga menulis surat2 rasmi kepada beliau bagi pihak syarikat. *bangga amat!* ini lah dunia corporate yg saya suka. this is my passion. alhamdulillah saya bahagia seadanya.
-saya rasa tiada apa yg ingin saya putarkan masa untuk kembali ke zaman silam.
Tiada apa yg ingin saya ulangi dalam momen silam kehidupan saya.
Tiada apa yg ingin saya buang dalam momen silam kehidupan saya.
Tiada apa yg disesalkan dalam momen silam kehidupan saya.
Tiada apa.
Alhamdulillah ya Allah.
-saya inginkan diri saya yg lebih baik.
saya inginkan hajat saya tercapai.
saya inginkan kebahagiaan yg berkekalan.
saya inginkan yg terbaik untuk diri sendiri dan org2 yg saya syg.
Bersyukur dengan kehidupan ini. :)
Posted by
12:14 PM
Maybank Malaysian Open 2011 (MMO)
Monday, May 30, 2011
As everyone knows, Maybank Malaysian Open 2011 has closed it curtain for this year. I can say it was such a better one compare to last year. The line up was superb and the event itself received a spectacular memento!
d Kinder Boy, Matteo Manessaro won d champion title. woohoo..congrats to him!
i won satisfaction! hahaha... for us, we have to manage and coordinate our Chairman's Lounge since we r the Official Host Venue for the tournament which took place at Kuala Lumpur Golf & Country Club (KLGCC).
it is such a havoc esp preparation wise. i have to draft invitation letter, prepare d propose VIP names, distribution of passes, VIP parking, MMO collaterals, layout n artwork, liaise with d agency and d list goes onnn...n onnn...
eventho it is sooo tensed, i take it as a learning process. :) think positive!
(kaunter ngadu 247 is my mr.lovely! cian die..heee...)
Dont wanna talk much. will let ur eyes watch my moments during MMO2011. :)
MMO 2012! cant wait for ya! LOL! ;p
Posted by
6:41 PM
Friday, May 27, 2011
Posted by
5:23 PM
ikan jenahak masak asam pedas bunga kantan
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
To d fact that i love main masak2, yesterday i cooked ikan jenahak asam pedas bunga kantan. thank God ade rase! hehe...but need to improve more esp asam pedas ni xyah taruh gula n i p taruh. hahaha...
And to d fact dat i tend to scribble the recipe anywhere n everywhere d end LUPA bila nak masak again. so since after this, i will pahatkan my recipe in my blog. thus whenever i nak masak balik dat particular masakan i can just refer to my own blog! brilliant! :) Fyi, i like to do some research tru d internet 1st before i start to cook den i mix&match d same few recipes to be my recipe) Kdg2 terfikir gak nak beli a very nicely decorative book to jot down all my trial recipes tapi xyah lah. takut hilang dari pandangan. hahaaa...
So here is my Ikan Jenahak Masak Asam Pedas recipe :
ikan jenahak (or pape jenis ikan) - utk 4/5 org mkn
2-3 biji halba
Bahan utk ditumbuk/kisar :
6 biji bwg merah
5 biji bwg putih
1 inch halia
1 inch kunyit hidup
8-10 sudu besar cili kering/cili boh
Bahan lain :
2 sudu kerisik
Sedikit belacan
2 btg serai
1 btg bunga kantan (can be replace with daun kesum)
4 helai daun limau purut
6-8 btg bendi
3 cwn air asam jawa (nak masam lebih boleh tambah lagi)
garam secukup rasa
sedikit serbuk perasa
Cara-caranya :
1. Panaskan minyak
2. Masukkan 2-3 biji halba. Jgn byk nanti pahit.
3. Tumis bahan-bahan yg dah dikisar sehingga naik bau.
4. Masukkan cili kering/cili boh, kerisik, belacan, btg serai kacau hingga naik minyak. (kene msk betul2 t sakit perut)
5. Masukkan air asam jawa secukupnya, bunga kantan/daun kesum, daun limau purut, bendi, ikan dan seterusnya garam n serbuk perasa secukupnya.
6. Siap! :)
Psst : Thanks for liking it my dear. :)
Posted by
1:42 PM
1 justaword
my story
Monday, May 23, 2011
phewww...banyaknyer termiss nak update! :(
anyhow, would story u a little here.
1) Alif Haziq
- mak su just deliver Alif Haziq yg comel last month (20/4/2011).
so cute,adorable and menggeramkan! if possible hari2 pun nk tengok,cium n pegang die. :)
2) 2 years!
- yes, me n him. friendship anniversary. time flies so fast! alhamdulillah, he's a good friend of mine, walaupun kdg2 i ngadu kat die tapi die caras i balik dgn kata2 yg agak pedas/x sokong i tapi i tetap syg die.ermm..deep down, kadang2 rase xmau ingat tarikh friendship anniversary ni coz secara automatic akan ingat saat2 broke up dulu. haishhh. tapi xpe, looking at d positive side of it! :)
3) Tanjung Jara
- wheewhoo! akhirnya tanjung jara nye vacation bakal jadi kenyataan. cume ade perubahan ckit whereby 2 guys will be joining us coz we plan to drive all d way babeh! we need them as our savior. hehehe... lagipun skang mcm2 berlaku. world become scary nowadays. :(
4) acid splasher fenomena
- this is much more scary! he has splashed acid to few ladies at the street randomly! goshhh! very sickening la dis man. i hope police will make a massive operation to nab this crazy man! tolong la...awak dh gelapkan hidup seorang wanita secara KEKAL! gila!
5) workload
- this is another crazy thing! makin banyakkk keje sejak dua menjak ni. aduh duh duhhh... its kinda burden act, but this is my passion n this is what i had chose. so am being positive about it!. such a cry baby coz termenangis suatu ketika dulu. haishhh... *be strong!*
6) prudential! im chosing u.
- hehehe...just got my own personal insurance coverage. alhamdulillah. am thinking ahead, takut lah kan pape jadi since am always on d road plus kete pun xbrape ok. *risau amat!*
7) my 'Bentley'.
- highest patient needed when it comes to my Bentley. quiet frequent jugak dia rosak lately ni. dis month alone dah donate kat kete almost RM600. :( kereta, tolong lah bersabar ye. saya belum cukup sedia nak bagi commitment baru to purchase my dream car. saya lak everytime nampak kete idaman, rase geram semacam,envy and sebagainya. sabar ye yang...
8) Nur Kasih The Movie
- perghhhh! best gile! sila la tengok kalian semua! indah sungguh cinta adam dan nur amina. tapi ade jgk yg xsuke,ade yg suke n even some people said that ending die similar like The Notebook tapi apa nak di kesah? ;p pegi tgk sendiri n nilai sendiri.
That's all for now. i want to read this when am old. dats y updating this blog is very vital to me. n i think to other bloggers as well kan? :)
Posted by
2:38 PM
1 justaword
abandoning u.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Am sorry u.
Been busy with lotsa thing.
- Maybank Malaysian Open 2011
- Scheduled Visit
- Minggu Amanah Saham
- daily work
- etc.
i guess, i love the hectically being hectic these days coz its my passion. :)
well, i noe there must be a limit to this hectic life and yes! i limit myself to it coz no matter wat, family,love and friends comes first. :)
Posted by
6:06 PM
tsunami earthquake hits Japan!
Monday, March 14, 2011
5th March 2011, Friday, 2.46pm (1.46pm local time).
What a day to remember..
Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake with 8.9 magnitude near Sendai city and related.
It was horrified and scary seeing d nature turn into a disaster!
everything crashed.
everything collapsed.
everything been smacked down.
everything gone.
in a split second!
Oh God...please protect all d victims. pleasee....
Luckily Malaysia is safe from all dis nature disasters. We did faced tiny tsunami at kedah before but it doesn't affect us so bad.
i've stumbled upon dis phrase in someone's tweet which say :
" Sekecil-kecil Malaysia di peta dunia, alhamdulillah, Malaysia jauh dari segala malapetaka,bencana dan bahana alam"
Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan,
Semoga bantuan cepat sampai di Jepun dan tiada lagi goncangan tsunami.
Panjangkanlah umur bagi mereka yg masih terperangkap di bawah runtuhan.
Berilah mereka nafas untuk hidup.
Ya Allah, lindungilah umatmu dari sebarang ancaman nyawa, peliharalah kami dan jauhkan lah kami dari malapetaka,bencana dan kemurkaanmu. Amenn...
Posted by
9:49 AM
hajat termakbul
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
hajat nak buat kenduri kesyukuran sempena tamat belajar and dapat kerja tetap termakbul sudah.
Buat kecil-kecilan sahaja.
Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar. :)
Alhamdulillah jugak, i think i've got my man!
I can count on him wenever emergency happen.
My car broke down early morning last wednesday (2 March 2011) wen i am on my way to work -brake jammed! luckily i xterbabas. (kebetulan pagi tu ade event dgn sultan) so u guys can imagine how panic i am!
Straight away call him! after few calls he answered and without any reason he came n rescue me.
he calm me down. dats d best part!
he settled everything for me eventho i noe it'd actually took up his working hour.
sorry for all the inconvenience caused my dear. :(
So far life has been really great for me. Alhamdulillah... :)
Posted by
12:35 PM
Selamat Hari Lahir Encik Ahmad!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Encik Ahmad Mohammed Noh
1 March 1947
64 Tahun
Semoga hari mendatang akan menjadi lebih baik,
Semoga kesihatan ayah sentiasa baik,
Semoga kehidupan ayah sentiasa tenang,
Semoga kebahagian sentiasa milik ayah,
Semoga impian ayah semuanya termakbul,
Semoga Allah lanjutkan usia ayah...
Kadang-kadang amarah ayah buat angah rimas,
Kadang-kadang bebelan ayah buat angah panas,
Kadang-kadang permintaan ayah buat angah serba-salah,
Kadang-kadang kelakuan ayah buat angah runsing.
Tapi...Yang pasti...
Angah tetap sayang ayah,
Angah tetap titipkan doa untuk ayah dalam setiap doa angah,
Angah tetap sayangkan ayah.
Maafkan di atas segala keterlanjuran angah andai ada yang menyinggung perasaan ayah.
Ya Allah, lindungi lah dia,lelaki yang amat aku kasihi
Ya Allah, tiada dia tiadalah aku
Hanya padaMu ku memohon Ya Allah, peliharalah dia sebaik mungkin.
Tulus Ikhlas,
*tak semua orang mampu memahami ayah dan menerimanya seadanya dia, percayalah ayah saya lain dari yang lain tapi dia tetap satu dan amat beharga bagi saya & keluarga.
Posted by
5:20 PM
clumsy me!
Friday, February 18, 2011
aduhai...pagi jumaat yg xberape nak cemerlang.
tadi ade meeting kat head office, jalan raja laut (tgh2 kl) ..dugaannya...nauzubillah!
kuar rumah awal,konon nk smpi on time.
pilih jalan NPE instead of NKVE (coz slalu tgk nkve jam pagi2).
so ok lahh...
tup2 kuar je simpang nk masuk NPE,jam yg amat! mau dekat sejam klu ikut jalan tue..quickly i've decided to divert to use another way instead.
masuk lah federal coz nk lalu NKVE. federal jam ckit la but still can go.
masuk NKVE...wowww! surprisingly xjam langsung! haihh...siot je instinct suh ikut NPE tadi..
so den exit damansara..OMG,mengesot yerrr...dlm kete rase nk meletops!
area damansara jam.
area jln kuching jam.
area nk msk jln raja laut pun jam.
haihhhh...... *sigh*
sabau aje la...
den meeting...yadaa..yaddaa...yaddaa...done!
nak balik tu, dh bayar tiket parking boleh pulak SANGATTT LALAI amik balance terus chiow! xamik tiket!
ohhh soooo *(&%*^#@$!!!
mengelabah giler mencari sana sini.
sesaat sebelum nk byr denda hilang tiket (RM30) got dis one Chinese man who is so tall has helped me. He reach out his hand on top of d machine n taddaaa! a ticket was found!
dgn sangattt relieved nyerrr saye melompat kegembiraan n thanked him like soo many times!
fuhhh...selamat RM30.
Haihhhh....permulaan hari yang penuh dugaan...
Posted by
2:11 PM
she cried.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
she turned 24 yesterday.
we had planned a surprise party for her and she'd really like it till it burst into tears. awww....
we sang,
we hugs,
we kisss,
we get crazy,
we ...hell yeah! enjoying d birthday celebration all night long.
i just lurve d moment wif the gurls!
plus mr.boyfie joined me n my gurls world.cute!
u guys r my rainbow. :)
*cant wait for our vacation trip to terengganu! date has been locked! yesszzaaa...
Psst : love my david cook! ;)
Posted by
2:23 PM
Love to Juliana Ramos
Monday, February 7, 2011
Posted by
3:43 PM
poor thing at 25.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
such a poor thing for me.
couldnt celebrate my birthday night even with a simple nice dinner.
cause of what???
cause im stucked at d office till 1am plus.
mr.boyfie waited for me like so long...almost 5 hours plus i guess..
tooo bad...sooo sad...
even my sisters had to wait like so long as well. coz i reached home quite late.
cian diorang. wat surprise dlm keadaan sgt ngantuk n penat menunggu.
wat to do. 1st task as an exec. have too. No is not accepted here.
redha je lah...
to my dearest darling,
i am truly sorry coz i've wasted ur time waiting for me.
i am truly sorry coz we had to cancelled our dinner date.
please apologise me for that.
to my dearest luvly,
i am truly amazed that u 've waited for me patiently.
i am truly amazed that u didn't even blow out ur temper coz of waiting for so long.
i am truly amazed u'd tried to undestand my work.
sangat terharu...
Thanks alot luvly!.
Im lucky to have u!
thanks a million!
Posted by
3:27 PM
being 25!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
hello ema fadilah ahmad!
welcome to the world of a real women!
Turned twenty-five today.
Alhamdulillah, Allah masih panjangkan usia saya untuk menikmati hidup yang serba indah ini.
Thanks to every single person who had gave me the life as it is. Ur role makes me whom i am today. thanks a million!
my wish of being 25?
it may sound klise but what i want is to be much much more better person than before either as a daughter,sister,lover,worker and everything i could fit in the bills.
Birthday surprise?
terkejut bile bangun tido dikejutkan dengan figura yang amat saya kenal. my mr.luvly! he came to my house (komplot dgn alang) and sang me birthday song with secret recipe brownies cake (may fav!) on his hands. OMG! very touched!
then he make for me my morning coffee! very sweet.nice! thanks alot dear... nothing else i want from u as long as our relationship blooms n cherish from time to time. :)
love being myself.muackkks!
Posted by
1:39 PM
1 justaword
chenta saya
Monday, January 3, 2011
Chenta saya.
Genap setahun saya dicintai dan menyintai.
Alhamdulillah...mungkin ini hikmahnya. saya rase sangat bahagia.
andai dia tiada, boleh jadi kehidupan ini amat membosankan...atau sangat menggila...
Alhamdulillah, setakat ini saya menerima dia seadanya dan alhamdulillah juga, dia menerima saya seadanya.
kelemahan saya kekuatan dia, kelebihan saya kekurangan dia.
kami tak celebrate bagai pun...apa yang penting momen tu kami share bersama.indah.
tapi hati ingin skali celebrate bagai, cuma waktu n keadaan x mengizinkan.
tak mengapa..
janji hati senang,tenang dan bahagia.
365 hari.1 tahun.
masih jauh lagi perjalanan kami.
hanya mampu berdoa agar jodoh kami kuat dan hubungan kami semakin matang hari demi hari.
rasanya tak mahu kehilangan dia. tahu, perasaan sebegitu perit.amat.
Ya Allah, lindungilah kami,kuatkanlah hati kami,rahmatilah perhubungan kami,moga Kau makbulkanlah segala impian kami.bersama.
saya sayang awak.sangat.
sayang saya kembali ya, sangat.
Ikhlas dari hati,
Posted by
2:20 PM
Malaysia rock d field!
mase nak balik pun everyone are nonstop too! all the roads full of happy faces people! they dance, they smile, they do all kinds of happy motions. i love it!
now the unforgettable moment begin...
mr.luvly drive back home to get his car so that he can send me home safely. unfortunately mase odw balik tu he suddenly masuk shell through the exit(somewhere in subang area). i was wondering why, but then he told me that further front there is a roadblock and he didnt bring his roadtax(roadtax xde coz kat abg die). kebetulan pulak saye nak g toilet so pegilah.... xlame lepas tu ade satu motor try to escape from the roadblock(tak pakai helmet). they was caught up by the mata2. then later on another motorist, trying to escape as well. tapi tertangkap jugak. im kinda pulak cube call abg die suh anta roadtax asap. somehow tak lame lepas tu polis tu suspicious on us coz we've been lingering around the petrol station quite sometimes. guess what??? end up we kene saman jugak... :( what a bad ending. one thing u need to noe, i am sooooo nervous when d police ask for my ic when i notice that my ic invisible in my pouch. Tuhan yang tahu perasaan tu. few times jugak lah check my pouch tapi xde. last call from the police to see my ic, i walk very slowww towards d police and mr.luvly to thousand check my ic. and....... taddaaa! sampai je kat police tu tibe2 muncul pulak ic! terus je bagi...what a relieveeeeeeeeeeeeed.......phewwwwwwwwwwwwwww......
after police tu blah...we looked at each other and laughed out for ourself.
klaka ade.giler pun ade.cute pun ade. :D
one thing for sure...i noticed that i wasnt nervous at all when we was caught up by the police coz i noe my man will always protect me for what ever things happen esp bad things and i noe i will always be safe with him. i love this feeling soo much! thanks alot luvly! just the 'invisible ic' thingy make me nervous.thats it!
Overall that night was kinda nightmare at the end but we reallyyyy had fun! crazieee thing make it the best extraordinary moment for us to remember. :)
Malaysia vs Indonesia @ Hasan SS15 : 2nd final match
- i am so excited to watch the match since Malaysia is odw to be d champion. so me n mr.luvly plan to watch it somewhere outside the house. so he chose Hasan coz his friends are there. Unfortunately there are no ladies at all. so im a lil bit cuak. without d ladies im gonna be isolated u know...rase janggal. so without further ado, i straight away called up iznie asking her to join us. Lucky me! she and acap is odw to subang thus i quickly persuade her to go to hasan n she said yes! :)
another lucky me! later after that i called up sarah and wanted her to join me n iznie and guess what?! she said yes plus she's odw to hasan with her friends..whooohuuu! what a lucky lucky luck! i've got d best company to join me watching d match. Of course! we had a great night cheering for Malaysia. it was such a good game and anak che mat did an amazing flying man to save most of the tries. His skills are superb! everyone praising him alot! For me he is the man of the match that night! since after that, he become famous together with safee sali. cool kan?!
in a nut shell, i enjoyed every moment shared together with lovely people who has a lovely heart! they are awesome and watching games with them making the moments much more special. Malaysia won is another special thingy. :D
Posted by
1:59 PM
Officially graduated!
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1:55 PM
left behind
OMG! yes, there's alot of stories i need to blow it out here.
my convo story
my girls story
my luvly story
my 2011 resolution
my 2010 flashback
my life moments
my everything
pix pix pix
Everything was left behind...*sigh*
just need some times to update one by one... *sigh again*
Posted by
12:19 PM