Mr.boyfie is soo busy lately. at times, i rase hurmmm...maybe he has changed. we used to be out few days in a week.
- play tennis
- lepak at our fav old town white coffee bangsarII
- watch movie
- dinner
- mall
- somewhere over d rainbow~
- to receive his call now.very rarely.
- bbm,ok ok lah.
This little little thing sometimes disrupt me.
Is he changing? slowly changing?
i dont know.
But never mind... let him work hard for a better future i guess. :)
Chill ema!
In times like this, he suddenly gave me this beautiful poem. as if he know wat was in my mind.
Meski mulut tidak melafazkan,
Zahir tidak menyatakan,
Awak slalu dalam ingatan..
Walau terkadang terlupa lantaran kerja,
Terlewat dalam berjanji,
Terlanjur dalam berkata,
Diri ini selalu merinduimu..
Hati ini tak pernah jemu menyayangi..
Tidak pernah sedetik jantung ini
berdegup tanpa memikirkan dirimu..
Wajahmu slalu ku terbayang..
Malam dan siang..
Hanya kau di hati..
Sampai nafas b terhenti.. <3 <3 <3
hello sunshine!
this is love
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Posted by
9:35 AM
Malaysia vs Arsenal
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Malaysia vs Arsenal
thanks to mr. boyfie who purchased the tix! it was a total fun yaww! :)
tapi malangnya, Malaysia kalah 4-0 kpd Arsenal. Harimau Malaya does not perform that well i can say.
lemau semacam je.
as long as i got to watch d game for real!
mcm2 feil.
papepun bangga sebagai rakyat Malaysia :)
Malaysia vs Liverpool
I watched the game at opah's house.
Geram giler coz Msia performed so badly.esp. Fahmi! wat happen to you??
adoiittt! geramm sesangat lah! defend pun mcm sotong.
papepun it was a good game compare to d first one.(with arsenal)
Liverpool won by 6-3.
Malaysia vs Chelsea
Hoping that Malaysia can perform better! :)
Go go go Malaysia!
Posted by
2:40 PM
love from Tanjong Jara Terengganu!
Monday, July 18, 2011
There are sooo much to say soo much to share and sooo much to reminisce~!
One word...SUPERB!!!
6 of us, ME,FADLY,IZNIE,ACAP,SARAH&AMAI went to Tanjong Jara for a short break.sweet escape bebeh! (10 June-12 June 2011) Alhamdulillah, everything went well, we all selamat pergi and pulang. thanks alot to our heroes, Acap n Mr. Fadly! :)
We all bertolak agak lewat seperti yg dijangka. Siap singgah supper di Wangsa Maju before heading to Tanjong Jara. Depart around 1 am plus n sampai around 6 am plus klu tak silap. Masuk bilik je, we all like waaaaaaaaaaa......damn nice mannn! romantika di amor gitue! hehe...Bumbung room was fantastic! beyond our expectation. after exploring, den we all went down to Di Atas Sungei to have our breakfast! d lady who served us was sooo cerek! siap nak check no bilik and all. wat de...! siap kene surcharge RM80.00 hoo okkk... dayumm! papepun, our breakfast scenery was so deadly beautiful!! with d sun, d sungei, d pokok kelapa d sound and the beach! perghhh...soothing!
After perut full, we all go jalan2. only d gals and d beach and d buaian. relaxing! each of us got to catch a moment of 'alone' ! niceyyy... ketenangan yg xdapat digambarkan! :)
after everyone has turned tanned alil bit, we head back to bumbung and get our beauty shower. dah siap cantek2, d guys pick us up and we all meronda satu Dungun mencari makanan. last2 jumpe nasi kukus ayam nearby d beach. d taste was ok coz it couldn't beat kg kerinchi or tmn melati punyer nasi kukus! :D. ohh plus...ade kucing ekor geli yg i sgt xleh tahan! ekor die panjang kurus and den tb2 byk lak kucing2 dok mengendeng near our table! aduhhhh...makan dlm kegelian ok! :(
After dh konyang, we all head to UiTM Dungun! lawat ika plus iznie nak bagi brg2 ckit. nice place i can say. memang betul2 tempat study. semua org naik beskal n dekat ngan pantai lak tu. sempat mengintai bilik ika and yea..similar like alang's room at sabak bernam dulu cume ika nye kecik ckit.
When it is time for us to go home, got dis one 'senior' la kot, pandang we all mcm nak baham! sgt menjengkelkan yer! klu nak jeles ke hape ke xyah arr pepandang mcm tu! all of us geram je tgk! but we couldnt do much.
abes anta ika, our next activity was at tepi pantai! we bought alot of mknn petang org tganu : kopok lekor, pari goreng, and semua yg goreng2..hehe...den we snap..snap..snapp... photos at the beach near UiTM. we even saw people beromen di petang yg rembang! hahaha...done with camwhoring (not yet actually) we head back to tanjong jara. we changed n we excitedly went to tanjong jara private beach. wooohooooo! best3! d guys and iznie jump into the, sarah and amai tak mandi coz malas plus i period n mak tak bagi. :( we played Frisbee and it was a total fun! tepi pantai,gelak2,suka2,lari2 gedik..ahhhh...wat a nice moment! suddenly, the cloud turns gloomy den ujan turun but who cares...we all continue playing and after a while baru stop. we lepak under the gazebo chitchatting about lotsa things!. sambung lagi makan kopok2 and all accompanied with beautiful scenery in front of us. greattttt!
masuk maghrib, we all naik bilik n gilir2 mandi including d guys. by the time sume dh wangi, it already 8pm. so we watched Berita together by laying down n cuddling each other (d gals laa...) that night lak, kebetulan ade football game between Terengganu and Kelantan. so ape lagi..we all stay in d room and watch d game! Everyone excitedly cheering d tganu team! sume emo terlebey kottt...hahahaha... n i think d whole Tanjong Jara dgr we all menjerit! dayummm! we notice dis when we were out for dinner. ye la, kan tempat romantik, mane la ade org jerit2. jerit2 manja adalah! auuwww... ;) sume dh takut2, takut kene marah! hehe..funny but cute.
that night, we all makan kat tepi pantai. quite ok lah..xde pape yg special pun..tapiiii....masyaAllah, banyak nye kucing! adehhh...den lomah betui bab kucing2 ni.. :(
esoknya... *masa sgt cemburu dgn kami! :( *
walaupun bangun agak lewat, n check out lambat, kami tetap sempat meninjau kawasan resort yg sgt cun melecun tahap raja! p tangkap gambaq sana sini and berposing sakan. sgt syiokkk! acap la mangsa si photographer kami but gambar2 yang die tangkap,Ya Allah! sgt cantek! nahh...lihat di sini :
klu sesiapa nak cari wedding photographer ke,event photographer ke,roger2 jer cik abang ni. :)
btw, kat terengganu ni, sarapan pagi diorg yg special adalah nasi dagang. by the time abes posing pun dekat tengahari. mane la nak ade nasi dagang kan? bak kate fadly ismail "awak,kat KL klu tghri nasi lemak pun org dh xjual tau! ni kan pulak nasi dagang kat ganu ni." hmmm...sentap. tapi i insist jugak nak cari nasi dagang. mane tau ade rezeki! :)
round punyer round punyer round, at first diorg dh putus asa dah,so nak singgah mane2 kedai tuk mkn tengahari since perut pun dh berdondang sayang. den singgah dis one kedai name Pink House D'Patta (sini pun ade kucing!). n guess wat? nasi dagang dh abes. so sad :( end up we makan je sotong grg,kopok lekor n all d grg2. i suker gilerrr sambal cicah die! ada umpphhh! dlm hati still nak jugak nasi dagang tganu, so i p la tanye makcik kat pink house tu. die cakap "cube adik p depan ckit, dekat dgn damai pantai" *bile dgr je,hati terus berbunga2 riang!* hopefully betul2 ada. after abes makan all d gorengs, we all head to damai pantai. sampai je i cepat2 turun kete n p tinjau n yesssss! nasi dagang maseh ada di waktu tengahari. :))) booo statement org tu! ;p usaha pasti berjaya janji niat ikhlas ;)
n guess wattt??? nasi dagang die terbaekkk wooo! sedappp! kari pekat! kami dok makan di bawah pohon rendang lak tu sambil angin bertiup sepoi2 bahasa..acheewahhh...lame gak kami lepak sambil berborak2 manja. :D seronokkk! rase tenang n rilek je disamping org2 yg saye sayang.amat! tapi xbestnye sebab ade banyak kucing gak! wuaaaa~ :(
owhhh! papepun kami sempat berposing sakan(as usual) di lalang2 padi n also di tepi pantai damai. indahhh..... :)
perjalanan ke terengganu hampir ke penghujungnya....
mcm biase, xsah klu x beli ole2 terengganu kan? so we all singgah kat Keropok Sri Sura. whooaa...ramai gak org! saye sorang je yg memborong,yg lain enggak mahu. abes memborong, tiba masanya kami meninggalkan dungun. sedih laaa time tu.... huuuu... setiap permulaan ada penghujungnya kan? tapi...tapi...sambil menuju highway,sempat gak la kami singgah di pasar temasik (borong lagi) den di pantai temasik (berposing sakan lagi dan lagi.... ) that was the last stop. kali ni betul2 menuju ke KL. it was around 7.30 pm mase we all bertolak dari temasik. owhhh! actually our last stop was at Kemaman! mr.boyfie lak borong kopok! n jelly kelapa! i pun borong gak lagi! hehehehe...ini lah saye. xpuas2 memborong. ;p
kali ni kami betul2 odw homeeyyy! bismillah...
we all nyanyi2,dgr lagu best2 sambil minda masing2 maseh lagi melekat dgn memori tanjong jara (i bet! kan?) rase takknakkk balikkk! betul! ngehhh...xlame lepas tu sorang sorang hanyut dibuai mimpi indah~
saye je liat tido coz mr.boyfie drive us home,so cian lak kat die in case he need anything.
ehhh! last stop was R&R Termeloh lah! aiseyyy.... yep! we singgah to regang2kan otot jap. hehe...owhhh! guess wattt?! i got to ate my favorite ikan paten masak tempoyak! yummmyyy! heaven! sedapppp! lomak manis eh~ :)
mr.boyfie drive agak laju gak la coz we all sampai quite early. beberape minit je! ahaks! i can say around 3 hour plus? (counting from kemaman la..)
everyone was sooo tired but i bet tired with satisfaction! :)a little escapism in a little time. fuhhhh....lega coz vacation impian yg byk kali ditunda,digubal,dipinda akhirnya menjadi kenyataan.
everyone are looking forward for the next trip! am sure dis time around we plan to go a little far away.... insyaAllah. Paris? New York? Perth? Krabi? Jakarta? Vietnam? Phuket? Hong Kong? Kolkata? Colombo? here we comeeeeee........ verangan amat! hahahahahhaaa.... tapi siapa tahu?! suatu hari nanti..insyaAllah...
Memori indah........
thanks korang coz sudi luangkan ckit masa tuk tanjong jara!
thanks to d guys who r willing to accompanied us! without u guys bende ni xkan jadi!
simpan setiap kenangan baik2. nanti kite create kenangan yg lebih indah lagi ye.
gambar2.klu boleh nak cuci semua! agak2 ade tak cecah 1000 pictures acap? hahaha
love u each of u alot!
Psst : post ni dah pending like sooo many time coz ketiadaan masa. tapi saya sgt mengingati setiap perkara yg berlaku antara kita dan tanjong jara. setiap saat yang amat indah. :)
Posted by
9:45 AM
1 justaword