last sunday i had fun & a relaxing date with my love at subang parade.
we hang around and making fun of each other like no body cares.
we lepak at Dome sipped my fav drink-coffee! we ate our fav fish & chip as well. it was a lovely weekend i can say!
den of coz it is so me, sneaking out my eyes for some shopping galore.. pooff! i bought a wedges that i've been wanting soo much since last month! (eventho penny's drying up! hahaha)
search for father's day card and that night itself me n alang gave it to ayah. he's smiling while receiving it and seems like he's so happy eventho it is just a card. we salam and cium ayah...terharu rasenye...
owhh..nak cerita ckit...
while paying for d card, got this one man age around 40 was standing next to me, close to the counter. In front of it was a range of book "Najib, Beginning Of A Legacy". I glance through it and thought it is a good book to read. suddenly his son approach him and ask "Dad! Why are you reading that book?"
He look shocked and gelabah. he hurriedly put the book back at the rac and walk away. Funny isn't it?
I grinned and shake my head off.
salah ke orang cina berminat nak baca kisah najib? x salah kan?
Psst : thanks for the Letter to Prime Minister.
hello sunshine!
tak salah kan?
Monday, June 21, 2010
Posted by
11:22 AM
Friday, June 11, 2010
arrrggghhhhhhh....rase cam nak nanges je! my heart skipped! I'm flattered! overwhelmed. tremendously happy!
hanya Tuhan saje yg tahu perasaan ni. jantung dok dup dap dup dap dup dap...sebab gembira sangat!
tadi baru je check result. Alhamdulillah...dapat la merasa selempang bila convo nanti. :)
segala usaha selama 4 tahun lebih sudah di pengakhiran. macam xcaye je...segala penat lelah, dugaan yang maha hebat dan semua pengalaman pahit manis akhirnya berbaloi. bile ingat2 balik, tersenyum sendirian,bergenang pun ade.
ini la kot hikmahnya.
As i told my bf, now aiming for 3 things!
1) work as hard as i could,perform as best as i could and try to be close to perfect in order to gain a perfect living for myself & family.
2) getting marry with d one i love n d one who love me.alot.sincerely.
3) further my Master sumwhere across the world. This is my dream since school n i hope one day i can fullfill this. InsyaAllah..
I noe, climbing up d ladder of success needs alot of courage and determination. InsyaAllah, usaha tangga kejayaan dan sentiasa ikhlas dalam ape pun. itu prinsip saya.
saya sudah TAMAT.END.FINISH.COMPLETE.DONE. both Diploma in Mass Communication & Bachelor Degree in Mass Communication (Hons) Public Relations. Now attached under Corporate Communications, Sime Darby Property circled with lovely family, lovely man, lovely friends & lovely colleague.
CONVO... cepatlah datang! :)
Psst : another hikmah that God has gave me is u.
Posted by
4:17 PM
hatinya kacak
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
i got this message last nite. it sounded like this :
" i do realize im not d kind of man girls dreamt of..but what i noe 4 sure dat my luv is only 4 u..permandangan terindah dari kaca mata seorang lelaki yg amat memerlukan cinta sejati..i'll prove 2 u dat good looks doesnt promise happiness..but a guy dat brings happiness into ur life, will look good in ur eyes.. "
it'd really touched my heart. alhamdulillah...i met a great guy n he make me happy all d time. yes, he might not be d prince of every girls dream of ... kacak,handsome,tampan n watsoever dat a gal can name it but he is the prince of a girl name ema fadilah ahmad. hoping that this relationship remain forever with Allah blessing and of coz our parents blessing as well.
i like this one :
" Tak perlu mencari teman secantik balqis
andai diri tak sehebat sulaiman
mengapa mengharap teman setampan Yusuf
jika kasih tak setulus Zulaikha
Tak perlu mencari teman seteguh Ibrahim
andai diri tak sekuat hajar
mengapa didamba teman hidup sesempurna Rasulullah S.A.W.
jika ada keburukan pada dirimu "
and this :
" Anda tidak mencintai seseorang kerana dia cantik atau tampan.
Mereka cantik atau tampan kerana anda mencintai dia... "
and this :
" Perempuan baik hanya untuk lelaki yang baik & vice versa... "
Psst : tidur dalam senyuman... :)
Posted by
4:16 PM
best lah melakians!
Monday, June 7, 2010
saya paling xsuke org melaka sebab diorng ni cakap lepas and kadang2 sedikit kasar (as for me)
kriteria lelaki pilihan saya mestilah yg BUKAN dari melaka, xmau!
tiada lagi kebencian dan stigma yg amat prejudis itu
Posted by
2:06 PM
play me!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Posted by
2:49 PM
adik manja
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
ouhhh... to her schoolmate, xbaik tau ejek or sindir adik saye yg bertompok chicken pox tu. nanti awak-awak sume kene baru tau. haishhh..naseb baik la korang sume ni budak2 lagi so dimaafkan walaupun adik menangis teresak2 ngadu ngan saye...cian tgk die...
semoga adik cepat baik. sila berdisiplin makan ubat n dgr kate angah n emak ok. :)
Another sad part, ayah iqbal baru je meninggal dunia ahad lepas. tabah ye iqbal, semoga roh arwah di sisi orang2 yang beriman...amin...pilu bile tgk org yg kita sayang dah xde. papepun Allah Maha Mengetahui. :(
ok, leave d saddd part...
INA! my housemate during diploma at Puncak Perdana DAH KAHWIN OK! ---> like this alot!
cinta 5 tahun dia dengan wan akhirnya sampai ke jinjang pelamin. alhamdulillah...haihhh...pasni mesti sorang demi sorang akan kawin. ye...zaman tu dah tiba.
semoga jodoh saya dgn org yg baik2, menjaga saya dgn baik dan mencintai saya dengan sebaik-baiknya. insyaAllah... sampai akhir hayat...
pstt : so far u r soo good! :)
Posted by
3:47 PM