it happened wen im on my way to my car parked nearby d housing area at sunway pyramid... odw to my car, i passed by a nigger men n i smile at them..just an anonymous smile...den i just walk to my car...suddenly i felt something behind me...not far from me the nigger walked rushingly seems like catching me up..i ignore him n continue walking..
arrived at my car, he suddenly stood right close behind so scared mann...sooo scared...
he bug me n said that he wants to noe me..he said im beautiful yaddaa yaddaa...(man's tactic to pikat gals..huh!) i dont noe wat to do so i keep on smiling den masuk kete cepat2...lock d door n start d engine asap!
guess wat??? he waited me outside d car n knocking my window giving signal to open d door...seriously scary but i tried to stay calm...
den i open my window ckit to talk to him...
d gal :wats d matter wif u?
crazyman :i want to noe u gal...
d gal :oh no...thanks!
crazyman really want to noe u..ur beautiful wen i saw u just now. (bluekkk...)
d gal :thanks, but sorry i dont noe u..
crazyman :gimme ur phone no. pls...i want to noe u...
d gal :ok2. u go... (dunno whose no. it was)
crazyman :sure dis urs?
d gal :ya..ya..sure! bye~
crazyman :i'l call u...
quickly i drive my car away...left him berdebar2...
crazyman! aiyyoooo....please laa...
fuhh...d incident make me stop breathing coz takut sgt!
hope it wont happened again...
Tuhan,lindungi hambamu yang lemah dari kekejaman manusia...aminn...
*gals out there extra carefull every second ok. takecare of urself... & d man, please dont scare us, d gals...peace!
hello sunshine!
scaryyy babe!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Posted by
10:58 PM
1 justaword
Awesome potluck at naj's crib!
im glad i grab d chance to go to najia's potluck party yesterday. its was totally unexpected n i had soo much fun!
at first kinda sad coz most of my friends (assuntarians) cud not come. so xpela, i nekad nak g jugak since najia's flying soon to aussie.
drove down d road, im kinda forgotten d way to naj's how tapi kate orang, klu tujuan ikhlas n niat baik sure xsesatnyerr...thank God! sampai dgn selamat n di rumah yang betul. im d second person arrived so tolong2 ckit ape yg patut. wheee...
time past by, lotsa najia's friend datang n mostly guys...haiyyaa...malu laa...but il be myself n mingled around wif them,built connection n laughing all d times. im soo happy meeting new friends. =) haslam,afif,farhan,jeff,fakar,andy,amir,nabil,fazly....n d names goes on n on which i cudnt really remember...
i hope after dis i could meet more new friends n be part of the happiness in their life. i really love yesterday n hope there is more like dis in near future.
at d end of d day, i realized that i can accept what had happened to me n i'll promise myself to lead my life to the fullest!!! nothing gonna change if i didnt make my first move to change!
so here i am...i change myself, i change the world! peace.
Posted by
2:36 PM
cinta pergi...
Friday, June 12, 2009
sungguh xdisangka bende yang emma cube elak n paling takut telah pun terjadi...
sayu hati ini bila ditinggalkan jejaka hatiku yg amat ku cintai...
pedih,luka,sedih,perit semuanya jadi satu...xterkata perasaan ini menanggungnya...4 tahun bercinta xcukup untuk menjaga hati seorang lelaki...ntahlaa...
mase mula2 terjadi emma lemah sangat...sangat...
tapi skang dah boleh terima...
emma sedar ni sume ketentuan Tuhan n emma xboleh mengubah ape yg dah terjadi...hati xboleh dipakse kan? biarla die pergi dari hidup emma...itu yg die mahu...
papepun emma bersyukur sgt sebab punya kwn2 yg byk bg sokongan n kekuatan untuk emma bangun n mulakan langkah baru dalam hidup baru...single! (xpernah terfikir pun akan single...aduhai...) to all my friends (u noe who u are) thanks a zillion coz make my day n give me support+encouragement! without u guys i wud have soul die. thanks alotttttt!!!!! =)
to all my friends juga, maaf kerana emma xdpt nak menjaga hubungan ini dgn sebaik2nya...
maaf sgt...
ok, pasni nak watpe ye?
sayangi diri sendiri...
akan lebih berdikari...
hanya kawan2ku n keluarga jantung hatiku skang...
nak grad dgn result yg gempaQ!
mau wat practical di tempat yg maha hebat!
menjadi org yg sgt hebatttt! suatu hari nanti..... aminnn....
jujurnye, emma mendoakan si dia gembira,bahagia,tenang dan sentiasa in love wif his new gf...dan semoga mengecapi apa yang diinginkan dalam hidupnya...futsal,bola,games,pc,mu, dan segalanya...bebas! kawan2 tolong doakan kebahagian die juga ya... aminnn...
cinta yang direstui telah pergi....tiada lagi cinta dalam hati ini...yang ada cinta nan Satu.
Ya Allah, Kau kuatkanlah diriku dan jadikan aku manusia yang lebih baik dari hari ini...aminn...
sayu.......nanges... =(
Posted by
12:37 AM