hello sunshine!
silly me!
Monday, August 15, 2011
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10:33 AM
World Cup 2014 : Unlucky Malaysia, Dramatic Singapore
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Frustrated & disappointed.
2 words that can describe my feeling after watching the game. We draw 1-1 to Singapore but lose to them with aggregate 6-4.Kecewa sebab pemain Singapore main wayang lak depan 95,000 ribu penyokong Malaysia! geram teramat! If not we cud have another 10-15 minutes to attempt few goals. haihhh~
But one thing for sure, am soo proud that i could see Malaysian people unite. :)
i wanna see more of this in the future i hope.
that night, i was a little bit late, coz unexpected instruction from the management. We have to managed BN YOUTH event which happens tomorrow. Screwwww! patutnya half day leave so dat i can arrive early without any hassle at the stadium unfortunately it is just not my luck. :(
we seek permission from bos to let us out for a few hours to watch d game n she kindly let us go! wheeee.... :D huru hara balik rumah,siap2 den ask my sis to send me straight to d stadium. luckily xjam coz org sume dah masuk stadium n dah settle down. but, i have to walk quite far since d police has block the U turn junction. poor me....
So,while waiting for my sista in front of the green gate, i saw dis one guy came out from the gate with his right eye full of blood!!! omg! scaryyy... little did i know he actually a husband to a pregnant wife. Memang dugaan betul mamat tu coz mase kebetulan die dikejarkan ke PPUM, his wifey pulak dikejarkan ke wad bersalin. nak beranak. can u imagine dugaan yg dilalui dis guy's family? i discovered that his eye might be blind coz the nerve has damaged. kesian sgt lelaki ini.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku, lindungilah keluarga lelaki ini dan hanya Kau yang tahu siapakah gerangan manusia yg membaling mercun dan menyebabkan lelaki ini buta. Hanya Kau Yang Maha Kuasa.
Ok, den suddenly a police man came n approached me. He willingly wanna let me in tru d Purple Gate (further in front) but den i insist to wait for my sista. i heard Negaraku being sang by 95,000 people which make me a little bit sad coz i couldnt join the crowd to sing along. tapi xpe, janji dapat tgk game! ohh! d police man siap escort ktorg sampai ke stairs tempat mr. boyfie, sarah and all seated. Thank you mr. police man! without u i think we cant even go through the crowd who has blocked the way... naseb baik...
Back to d game, Malaysia main dgn sgt bersungguh2. i think even til today, d media and people r still talking about it! imagine guys, just a another foot step to be in the round 3 Asean Zone. :( Bile tgk berita, FIFA tgh cabut undi n tgk jadual Group by Zone, rase sebak lak coz klu x, sure nama Malaysia terpahat! Boleh tak klu nak salahkan Sharbani Alwi mase 1st round kat Singopre hari tu???! ggggrrr. gerammm! banyak sgt easy goal terlepas. haihhh~ wat sakit jantung je tgk game bola ni.
xpe lah, mungkin ade hikmahnye Malaysia xmasuk. Harap2 Singapore akan ditunjukkan jalan keluar awal2 lagi! wuahahaha....
To Malaysian team, good luck for Olympic! we will support u all d way as long as u give us a good game to be watch! owhh n good result! :)
Overall, it was a good memory to be reminisce and to be shared in 10-15 years time. Wheee..... :)
Love u Safee Sali & Fahmi! oh and Safiq Rahim! Make Malaysia proud bebeh!
psstt : After d game, i have to rush back to d office to settle all d workload awaits. d team stay approximately til 4am plus in d morning. esoknye lak event kat PWTC. fuhhh...though man but dis is wat i had chose. :)
Many thanks to mr. luvly who is willing to send me and waited for few hours. cian die kenyamukkan dan kemengantukkan. love u!
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1:30 PM